"It's only a dog" you said. When my heart was breaking because my dog was dead. "He was my best friend!!" I said. When you looked baffled whilst shaking your head. "It's just a dog!" You said. He was more than "just a dog" to my brother and me. A complete loon of "just a dog" He was our family. See, my dad always wore a black leather jacket to go out. Bookies. Or pub. "Just a dog" would go absolutely bat shit when he wore it And make my dad shout. "Just a dog" knew. Just like we all did. There'd be no time or patience left for us. Hangover consuming our Dad As he lay in his bed Feeling like shit With a banging head. He'd roar down the stairs "SHUT THEM FUCKING KIDS UP!" At a mum, two kids, "just a dog" and a ball. Already talking in whispers Not being too loud at all. "Just a dog" knew Cos he'd quiet down too. You were never "just a dog" An "It" or a "mutt" You were ours and we loved you Thought you'd be here forever… But… Two days before my 18th We said goodbye to you When my mum brought you home We thought we'd die too. You lay in her boot I can picture it now. Your fur wet with our tears Your tail laying still. It was just a cough this morning… How? How can you not be here with us now? We made you a bed In the fields that you loved. We tucked you in. Wrapped in your blanket, So small. Bad memories made sweeter By "Just a dog" and his ball. We tucked our hearts in with you too to keep you warm. Just a dog? Not one little bit. Not at all.